32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

‘Conditions-Led’ Skin Treatment Website

new skin treatments

A new way of looking at skin treatments, part 3

The final part of Dr John Tanqueray’s series on skin treatments looks at how Mulberry House Clinic’s website has been updated to a ‘conditions-led’ positioning, designed to help customers and patients think about what their skin needs first and foremost, thereby leading to the most appropriate treatment choice. 

The philosophy is centred around the individual, as each person has their own unique set of concerns and wishes for treatment. That’s why Instagram before and after photos are best ignored, as what suits someone else is not necessarily right for you.

Dr Tanqueray sees each patient as completely unique, with their own very personal hopes and expectations as well as concerns and conditions that are specific to them.

Earlier blogs on the subject encompass:

Website for ‘Conditions-Led’ Skin Treatments

In part 3 of this series, Dr Tanqueray explains how the individual approach to skin treatment and understanding of their conditions and concerns has helped the company in developing the website. John explains:

“We have been developing our website over recent weeks to try and make this process clearer, so you can now see the treatments that might be recommended for your concern rather than go searching for treatments to see if they may help.

“To this end we now have a “Conditions” section on our menu which allows you to do this. We hope it will prove helpful – please take a look, and if you have any comments or constructive criticism we’d love to hear from you.”

website skin conditions

Private Consultation

In terms of working out the best approach, a consultation with a highly experienced skin expert is highly recommended as the first step.

This will involve close examination of the skin using the latest equipment, as well as discussion about what the patient would like to achieve or improve. Every person has a different set of requirements and understanding the goals and objectives is key to giving the right advice following a comprehensive skin review.

Dr John Tanqueray

At Mulberry House Clinic in Northampton, consultations are carried out by Dr John Tanqueray MB BCh MRCGP DCH DRCOG DipOccMed BCAM, who has over 20 years experience in the field of medical aesthetics. As a former GP, he has detailed medical knowledge and is able to help and advise on a range of skin conditions and concerns. The depth of knowledge, breadth of treatment options and expert recommendations provide clients with  confidence to make informed choices about their treatment.

Mulberry House Clinic

Established 2003

Mulberry House Clinic has an excellent reputation in the Northampton area as an independent, doctor-led practice with vast experience of the industry. Cosmetic skin treatments are carried out by Dr John Tanqueray, who works closely with leading manufacturers to remain at the forefront of the medical aesthetics.

A private consultation is the starting point for all patients in order to facilitate a full discussion about the desired results as well as detailed facial and skin assessment. Find out more about first consultation.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.


'Conditions-Led' Skin Treatment Website
Article Name
'Conditions-Led' Skin Treatment Website
'Conditions-led' skin treatment website. Consider what the skin needs first and foremost, thereby leading to the most appropriate treatment choice.
Publisher Name
Mulberry House Clinic