32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

Seasonal Rosacea Tips, Diagnosis and Treatment

skin weather rainYou’re not imagining it, rosacea can definitely flare up when the weather changes.

Changes in temperature, humidity and wind can all trigger a rosacea flare-up.

At this time of year, weather can be especially changeable and unpredictable. We’ve started to feel the occasional warmth of the sun, yet we’ve not yet seen the last of the frosts. You are probably starting to spend more time outdoors when you can, but  daily swing from cold to hot and from wet to dry can be hard on your skin. Wind can also irritate the skin and make rosacea worse.

If you have rosacea, it is important to be aware of the weather conditions that can trigger a flare-up and take steps to protect your skin.

7 rosacea tips for spring/summer

If you are prone to rosacea, we’ve compiled a few practical tips that you may find helpful during this transition of seasons:

  1. Wear sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days
  2. Avoid extreme temperatures – both hot and cold
  3. Use a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air
  4. Wear a scarf or hat to protect your face from the wind
  5. Avoid hot drinks and spicy foods
  6. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturiser
  7. See a skin specialist if your rosacea is severe and not responding to treatment at home

Rosacea Diagnosis & Treatment

Rosacea is a condition that is most commonly recognised by symptoms of redness, flushing and spider veins.

It is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, resulting in poor treatment recommendations and a general view that the condition is incurable.

This makes a frustrating and demoralising experience for patients. However, the good news is that with proper diagnosis and modern aesthetic medicine, there are now options for patients with rosacea to improve their skin.

Diagnosing Rosacea

The first step in tackling the problem is to fully understand the condition with a proper diagnosis. At Mulberry House Clinic, consultations are with former GP Dr John Tanqueray, who is founder, director and aesthetic doctor at the clinic. Dr Tanqueray has extensive experience in helping clients with skin conditions and is particularly knowledgeable about rosacea and acne, having pursued accreditation for the clinic with the ARA UK (Acne and Rosacea Association UK).

The consultation will include full discussion not only of the current symptoms but also the history of the condition. Many patients find that it comes on in adulthood and gets worse over the years. It is more common in women, but can be more severe in men where the swollen red skin can be quite noticeable (for example, making the nose appear bulbous).

There are 4 types of rosacea:

  1. Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea – redness and flushing particularly at the centre of the face. Patients may also experience stinging, flaky skin and poor skin texture
  2. Papulopustular rosacea – as well as the characteristic redness and flushing, there are papules and/or pustules (like very large and tender spots), resembling a severe acne inflammation
  3. Phymatous rosacea – in addition to the redness, the skin thickens. One common consequence is that the nose looks swollen and red. This is known as ‘rhinophyma’ and can be very upsetting for patients as it has connotations of excessive alcohol consumption. Cheeks, ears and chin may also be affected
  4. Ocular rosacea – eyes can feel watery, itchy or with a stinging/burning sensation. Redness and spider veins appear around the eye area including eyelids, conjunctiva and edges of the eye

Understanding Rosacea

We appreciate just how upsetting and socially-disabling rosacea can be. Patients can experience low confidence and self-esteem due to its appearance. Some spend a lot of time and money worrying about masking the problem with makeup while others simply start to withdraw from socialising, as it is hard to avoid things that trigger flareups.

Very often the problem becomes much more noticeable with alcohol, spicy foods or coffee – which means that clients have to adapt eating out in order to avoid problems. Sun exposure and heat or cold can also cause problems.

Hormone changes can also be an issue, with the menstrual cycle and menopause causing the issue to get worse.

At Mulberry House Clinic, we take time to assess the concerns in full before recommending any treatment.

Find out more about rosacea

Rosacea Treatments

Rosacea is not an easy condition, but it is not true that you just have to live with it. Most of our patients have already tried different skincare to try and settle the redness, but at Mulberry House Clinic, there are a number of medical treatment options, including in-clinic treatments and at-home cosmeceutical skin care regimes.

The right treatment plan can be quite effective in reducing the redness/flushing and promoting a healthier tone and appearance to the skin.

We can even combine treatments for best results, for example, starting with IPL treatment in clinic and then arranging LED sessions to improve the skin’s health while using a carefully considered course of prescription skin care products at home.

Before and after photos

Rosacea treatment at Mulberry House Clinic

before and after rosacea treatment

Acne and Rosacea Association UK (ARA UK)

ARA accredited treatment centre

Mulberry House Clinic is the ONLY Accredited Treatment Centre of the Acne and Rosacea Association UK (ARA UK) within a 10 mile radius of Northampton.

To achieve the accreditation, Dr John Tanqueray completed additional specialist training in Acne and Rosacea.

Patients with rosacea can have confidence that they’ll find high standards of knowledge about the condition, an accurate diagnosis and a range of suitable treatment options.

Mulberry House Clinic

Established 2003

Mulberry House Clinic has an excellent reputation in the Northampton area as an independent, doctor-led practice with over 20 years experience. Dr John Tanqueray is a former GP who can assess and diagnose skin conditions from a medical perspective before suggesting the most appropriate skin treatments. The offering includes top brand injectables and advanced technology that would rival that found in most Harley Street clinics.

A private consultation is the starting point for all patients in order to facilitate a full discussion about the desired results as well as detailed facial and skin assessment. Find out more about first consultation.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.


Seasonal Rosacea Tips, Diagnosis and Treatment
Article Name
Seasonal Rosacea Tips, Diagnosis and Treatment
Changes in temperature, humidity and wind can all trigger a rosacea flare-up. Find 7 tips to handle rosacea and information about diagnosis and treatment.
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Mulberry House Clinic