32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

5 Top Neck and Décolletage Treatment Options

As we age, the neck and décolletage that can be quick to show lines, wrinkles and creases. There’s no need to neglect these areas. We suggest 5 anti-ageing treatments that offer solutions for smoothing and rejuvenating the neck and décolleté with great results.

The neck and décolletage share a similar problem – the skin is naturally quite thin and these areas lack the fat, collagen and elastin that provides more structure and firmness elsewhere on the body. Therefore as we age, the skin can quickly start to appear loose and saggy; developing creases, lines and wrinkles.

5 Neck & Décolletage Treatment Options

1/ Ultherapy

Ultherapy® Ultrasound Treatment is FDA approved for use on the décolletage, which means that it has demonstrated results and efficacy to satisfy the USA’s approval system.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to deliver energy to heat the skin’s inner layers. This triggers production of collagen, which builds up over the weeks following treatment to create smoother looking skin.

2/ Dermal Fillers

Injectable dermal filler products can be used to revolumise the skin, but skilled use of fillers can elevate this to provide more structure. Building up the volume at key points can not only add shape and definition around the chin and jawline, but also create a non-surgical neck lift effect.

3/ TIXEL thermal fractional rejuvenation

Tixel thermal fractional rejuvenation is a treatment which simply uses pure heat to stimulate the skin’s healing and renewal processes from within. The procedure involves applying intense heat of 400°C for a very short duration. The heat is delivered through the tips of 81 titanium needle-like pyramids. This simulates an ‘injury’ which triggers the body’s healing and renewal mechanisms. Results can improve the texture and tightness of the skin

4/ BOTOX for Neck Bands

Visible neck bands can give a strained look. It is due to a contracted platysma vertical muscle. This can be remedied using advanced techniques for injecting Botulinum toxin (i.e. BOTOX or Bocouture) . This works to relax the muscle causing neck bands for a smoother profile.

BOTOX can also be used in a ‘Nefertiti Lift’ treatment which creates more youthful appearance through an upward lift to the neck tissues.

5/ Combination Treatments

For best results, a combination of treatments is often the best approach.

Firstly, many treatments work synergistically, so combining a couple of options can give an enhanced result beyond either of the individual treatments.

Secondly, keeping an open mind to combining treatments enables patients to achieve optimum results across a range of concerns. For example, as well as reducing lines and wrinkles, patients may also have concerns about pigmentation or sunspots, especially on the décolleté. Treatments such as TIXEL and Ultherapy can be helpful, but bringing in options such as mesotherapy, microneedling or chemical peels can tackle other concerns more effectively than a single treatment alone.

Tailor-made combination treatments is an area that Mulberry House Clinic excel in. What’s more, the skin clinic has a very broad range of injectable and high-tech skin treatments available so as to be able to offer the most appropriate solution for each individual client.

The approach starts with detailed assessment in order to identify the needs and opportunities. Dr John Tanqueray carries out thorough consultations in order to provide the best possible advice on treatment. He can then advise on the most appropriate treatment plan.

Other treatment options available at Mulberry House Clinic that may be considered for the neck/décolletage include:

  • Profhilo – an injectable product which works to improve loose skin, adding structure that can better support and even provide a ‘lift’ to the neck for a more youthful profile
  • Mesotherapy – injecting carefully chosen cocktail of ingredients to boost the skin’s renewal, leading to tighter and fresher looking skin
  • Laser Treatments including IPL use light energy to penetrate to the skin’s deeper layers, targeting areas of discoloration in particular
  • LED treatment is a gentle and safe treatment that can be used to improve pigmentation
  • Prescription Skincare including ZO Skin Health offers some pigmentation-reduction creams and solutions that can be very helpful on a daily basis. It also offers excellent SPF protection options

Combination Treatment for Neck & Décolletage


Mulberry House Clinic

Established 2003

Mulberry House Clinic has an excellent reputation in the Northampton area as an independent, doctor-led practice with extensive experience. Cosmetic skin treatments are carried out by Dr John Tanqueray, who works closely with leading manufacturers to remain at the forefront of the medical aesthetics.

A private consultation is the starting point for all patients in order to facilitate a full discussion about the desired results as well as detailed facial and skin assessment. Find out more about first consultation.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.

5 Top Neck & Décolletage Treatments
Article Name
5 Top Neck & Décolletage Treatments
5 anti-ageing treatments for smoothing and rejuvenating the neck and décolletage. Great results in reducing lines, wrinkles, creases, pigmentation.