32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

IPL Hair Removal: 7 Pros and 4 Possible Cons

IPL hair removal

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is an advanced energy-based treatment that can be used to remove unwanted hair from the body or face.

IPL machines emit short pulses of light that are absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. This heat damages the hair follicle and this prevents it from producing new hair.

The advantages are very appealing – smooth, ‘hair-free’ skin day after day. However, it’s also important to recognise any potential downsides.

‘Pros’ – advantages of IPL hair removal

There are a number of advantages to using IPL for hair removal, including:

  1. Non-invasive: An easily tolerated procedure with no burning. Minimal risk of side effects.
  2. Comfortable: Relatively painless process. Some people experience a slight stinging sensation during the treatment, but this is usually very brief and goes away quickly.
  3. Highly effective for darker hair colours: Best results are achieved where the hair is darker than the skin.
  4. Adaptable for body or face: A variety of areas can be treated, including the face as well as the popular underarms, legs, arms, bikini area, stomach, back, shoulders and more…
  5. Long-lasting results: With regular treatments, you can achieve permanent hair reduction, putting an end to daily shaving in summer.
  6. Smoother skin: Shaving can be quite traumatic for the skin and many people suffer from rashes or bumps. IPL means that the skin doesn’t need to undergo such harsh treatment, which is beneficial for its condition and appearance.
  7. Reduced hair! That’s the purpose of IPL hair removal. The convenience of not having to shave every day. Not having to regrow hair between waxing. Smooth and ‘hair-free’ skin day after day. You only need the occasional shave to deal with any strays.

‘Cons’ – disadvantages of IPL hair removal

Before embarking on treatment, it’s important to recognise any potential downsides so that you are taking a fully informed decision. The potential disadvantages of using IPL for hair removal, include:

  1. Cost: The price of IPL treatments varies depending on the area being treated and the number of treatments required. It will cost more than a razor or depilatory cream. However, you may be surprised at how it compares in the long run. See Laser Hair Removal is Cheaper Than Waxing
  2. Hair/skin tone limitations: IPL treatment looks for colour contrast, so is not generally effective on blonde hair. Tanned or darker skin can also be problematic if there is insufficient colour contrast to the hair
  3. Side effects: These are rare, but could include redness, swelling, and bruising. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as scarring can occur. It is advised to choose a reputable provider to minimise the risk
  4. Sun exposure: Patients are advised to protect the skin from the sun during treatment, covering with clothing and/or using high SPF sunscreen. This is good advice anyway, but not always popular or practical, especially in the summer

Is IPL right for me?

Overall, IPL is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair. The benefits are enormous. However, it is important to consider any downsides before undergoing treatment.

Here are some additional things to consider before undergoing IPL hair removal:

  • Skin type: IPL is not suitable for everyone. People with dark skin may not be good candidates for IPL.
  • Hair colour: IPL works best on dark hair. People with blonde, red, white or grey hair may not see as good results with IPL.
  • Hair growth: IPL is most effective on coarse, thick hair. People with fine, light hair may not see as good results with IPL.
  • Expectations: IPL offers permanent hair reduction, not permanent hair removal, as it rarely removes 100% of the hair. However, any regrowth tends to be very sparse and requires minimal maintenance.

If you are considering IPL hair removal, be sure to talk to a suitably qualified skin care professional to discuss whether it is the right treatment for you.

liz tanqueray testimonialsIPL Hair Removal, Northampton

Hair removal treatment at Mulberry House Clinic is carried out by former nurse Liz Tanqueray.

For further information about IPL hair removal, patients can book an initial appointment, which is the ideal opportunity to have an assessment and discuss what course of treatment and timing would be most suitable.

Mulberry House Clinic

Mulberry House Clinic was established in 2003 and offers an impressive array of the latest skin treatment technology as well as popular anti-ageing injections and IPL hair removal.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.


IPL Hair Removal: 7 Pros and 4 Possible Cons
Article Name
IPL Hair Removal: 7 Pros and 4 Possible Cons
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is an energy-based treatment that can be used to remove unwanted hair from the body or face. 7 advantages and 4 possible downsides.
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Mulberry House Clinic