32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

Medication-Free Eczema Treatment with LED


skin diagramEczema is one of the most common skin complaints in the UK, with an estimated 10% of the population suffering at any one time.

It is an inflammatory skin condition with symptoms including intensely itchy skin, inflammation, dryness/scaliness and peeling. Rubbing and scratching to relieve the itch just causes further problems, such as thickening of the skin or blistering with weeping and open wounds. The ‘itch-scratch-itch’ cycle has also been shown to impact on patients’ quality of life with poor sleep, distress and concern about cosmetic appearance.

In some cases, the eczema is triggered by some contact irritant, but this is not always a factor and it can be quite a challenge to treat the problem without understanding its cause.

A change in weather can be a trigger for some people, with the cooler autumn temperatures and dryer air causing the skin to dry out and become irritated.

Traditional treatment relies on these core elements:
  • Emollient – moisturising the skin to avoid dryness with intensive creams or ointments
  • Steroids – although many doctors and patients resist use of steroid where possible due to fears of skin thinning
  • Antihistamine and/or antibiotics for infected eczema

However, a new treatment system could offer results without medication.

LED Eczema Treatment

Eczema stems from loss of skin barrier function, so a treatment to improve the health and resilience of the skin can be very constructive in treating the condition.

LED therapy offers a new skin treatment option which can improve eczema on the face, hands or body. It is a medication-free treatment which harnesses the healing power of light. Light energy put out by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) works to improve the skin’s regeneration and healing processes including:

  • Improving enzyme repair
  • Helping the lymph system
  • Stimulating new cell growth
  • Boosting production of collagen
  • Stimulating new capillaries.

Dermalux LED

Dermalux LED Phototherapy is available at Mulberry House Clinic based in Hardingstone, near Northampton.

For more information see

Award-Winning Dermalux LED has won Aesthetics Awards 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 for its safe and effective results, including twice winner of Treatment of the Year.

Mulberry House Clinic

Established 2003

Mulberry House Clinic has an excellent reputation in the Northampton area as an independent, doctor-led practice with over 10 years experience. Cosmetic skin treatments are carried out by Dr John Tanqueray, who also works with Allergan to train other professionals in his skills and techniques.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.

Medication-Free Eczema Treatment LED | Mulberry House Clinic
Article Name
Medication-Free Eczema Treatment LED | Mulberry House Clinic
A treatment to improve the skin's health and resilience can be very constructive in treating eczema. LED therapy can improve skin on the face, hands or body.