32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

Lips & Lip-Lines

Full, luscious lips are a highly attractive feature, making a smile appear fuller and brighter.

At Mulberry House Clinic, we don’t offer exaggerated ‘trout pout’ type lip filler treatments. However, we do understand that many patients find that they are not entirely satisfied with their natural lip and would like to effect subtle improvements to make them more appealing.

Common concerns with lips

  • Thin lips:
    Patients whose natural lips are quite thin often complain that they give you a bit of a stern look. They may wish to achieve fuller lips that are more noticeable and look more in proportion with the face. A volume that is soft and sensuous rather than understated or mean.
  • Asymmetrical lips:
    For some patients, the main concern is that the lips are imbalanced. It could be that the top lip is bigger than the bottom or vice versa. In some cases, the lips may not be a perfect mirror image, so the left and right sides are slightly different. These patients may simply want to achieve a more symmetrical look for better balance.
  • Lost volume:
    Loss of volume in the lips is a natural consequence of ageing. It can also be precipitated through injury or certain types of dental work. Where the lips lose volume the skin tends to form premature lines and wrinkles. The lips look smaller and the overall shape is less defined.
  • Wrinkles and fine lines:
    Lines that develop on the lips and around the mouth can be particularly ageing. A dried out and crinkly look to the lips can make the smile less attractive than with full, hydrated lips.
  • Smokers’ lines:
    Smokers lines are premature wrinkles caused by repeated dragging on cigarettes as well as reduced oxygen supply causing collagen/elastin to break down, losing structure and fullness. These factors can appear to leave more exaggerated lines.
  • Want to enhance their natural beauty:
    Some people simply want to enhance the shape of their lips, adding curves and contours such as ‘cupid’s bow’ for a shapelier smile that they feel is more attractive. They may wish to make their lips slightly fuller in certain areas to accentuate their natural beauty

Whatever the motivations, the good news is that lip filler treatments can provide a solution.

The main aim of treatment is to restore a natural shape and degree of fullness to the lip border and/or the lip itself using dermal fillers for added volume with a soft and natural finish.

Lip enhancement using dermal fillers can volumise, smooth, shape and even lift the lips with near instant results. .

Treatments to Consider:

Recommended brands/products for lips:

Will it look natural?

We understand that almost everyone is concerned that the effects of treatment should look and feel natural. Our policy is to take a gentle approach on the basis that often less is more, and we can easily add to the treatment gradually if necessary in order to achieve the result you want.

We use the latest lip filler products which are based on naturally occurring hyarluronic acid. While long-lasting, these are not permanent avoiding the well-publicised risks associated with permanent filler injections.

Patient Feedback:

“That was completely painless”

Reference to lip treatment  A.S. Northampton